The Book Series

book one

BOOK ONE • 1855 to 1955

Published: 1993 | Martello Press
Black & White | Hard Back | 160 Pages
Out of print - Greystones library holds a copy of the book
for reference only within the library

The book includes road scenes, north beach, south beach, films, guides, scouts, schools, harbour, ships, railway, swimming, fishing, golf, people, Danns, The Burnaby, Bellevue and Kilruddery etc.

book two

BOOK TWO • 1870 to 1990

Published: 1994 | Martello Press
Black & White | Hard Back | 208 Pages
Out of print - Greystones library holds a copy of the book
for reference only within the library

The book includes Killincarrig (Cherry Orchard), aerial views, circus, fire station, storms, lifeboat, skiff racing, Kish Base, dredging, shops, garages, hotels, houses, weddings, people, Danns etc.

book three

BOOK THREE • 1860 to 1985

Published: 1996 | Martello Press
Black & White | Hard Back | 240 Pages
Out of print - Greystones library holds a copy of the book
for reference only within the library

The book includes photos taken by the Flavelle family who holidayed in Greystones from 1899 to 1903, Ballygannon House, farming, ploughing, churches, schools, Greystones fishing register 1849 to 1885, houses and hotels etc.

book four

BOOK FOUR • 1846 to 1986

Published: 1998 | Martello Press
Black & White | Hard Back | 240 Pages
Out of print - Greystones library holds a copy of the book
for reference only within the library

The book includes photos, correspondence and records relating to Greystones harbour, history of the railway around Bray Head, records of The Greystones Improvement Association 1896-1914, Greystones water supply, golf, regattas, people etc.

book five

BOOK FIVE • 1835 to 1980

Published: 2001 | Martello Press
Black & White | Hard Back | 232 Pages
Out of print - Greystones library holds a copy of the book
for reference only within the library

The book includes family histories including McGill (seafarers), Bates (Delgany shop keepers), Jeffers (coast guards), schools, wrecks (Bolivar, Vanguard etc.), Bray harbour, Wicklow Hills Bus Company, Powerscourt, people etc.

book six

BOOK SIX • 1884 to 2005

Published: 2005 | Martello Press
Black & White | Hard Back | 240 Pages
Out of print - Greystones library holds a copy of the book
for reference only within the library

The book includes golf, schools, concerts, buildings, weddings, carol singing, rowing club, fire brigade, car rallies, horses, people etc.

book seven

BOOK SEVEN • 1754 to 2007

Published: 2007 | Martello Press
Black & White | Hard Back | 256 Pages
Out of print - Greystones library holds a copy of the book
for reference only within the library

The book includes a timeline history of the development of Greystones harbour, garages, Kilcoole born Prime Minister of Natal, railway around Bray Head, Charlesland, Bellevue, the La Touche family, football, rugby, tennis, people etc.

book eight

BOOK EIGHT • 1760 to 2018

Published: 2018 | Martello Press
Full Colour | Hard Back | 296 Pages
Now on sale
The book includes smuggling on Bray Head, coal schooners, detailed history of Greystones lifeboat, world war 1, Easter Rising, suffragettes, shops, hotels and businesses etc.

The Authors, Derek and Gary Paine

Derek Paine was born in Greystones in 1931. In the 1950s, he began collecting old photographs and documents relating to the history of the town. In 1973, he held the first of a number of exhibitions of old photographs of Greystones, with more following over the next two decades. In 1993, he published the first of his Pictorial History of Greystones books. Since the publication of the seventh book in the series by Martello Press in 2007, with more old photographs unearthed and previously unpublished material from his archive identified, he and his son Gary, steadily compiled the contents for an eighth book.

Following the passing of his father in 2016, Gary Paine completed the book which was published in November 2018. It is the first in the series to include colour and with 296 pages, is the largest in the series to date. Though now all out of print, copies of all previous seven books are held for reference within Greystones Library as well as The National Library of Ireland in Dublin.

Gary Paine

Gary Paine holding the latest book in the series

Everyday He Writes the Book Link to the Greystones Guide report covering the book launch at Greystones Sailing Club on 18th November 2018

Derek Paine

Derek Paine with books one to seven